Surely, no one can better this king prawn amongst lower, peasant prawns. His record speaks for itself. Well, actually, it doesn’t. It just sits their placidly on cricinfo, but when you’re reading it in your head you think “blimey, all this and he’s an invertebrate?”
Not only that, but at 118 test appearances, his experience could prove decisive. It’s not just Mark Ramprakash turn up for a few decades here and there experience, it’s consistent “I’m going to win now, ok?” experience.
Not only that, he’s so cool.
"I would certainly do the job if asked to. I don't know what the big deal is, why so much is being made of this. I have said this before also."I’ll tell you what the fuss is, Anil, you’re a god, and you have offered your services to the feeble underlings below you at their hour of greatest need. It’s like Jesus coming down to heaven and talking sense about which horse was going to win the 3:15 at York, instead of whining at you about being nice to ungrateful bastards all the time. It’s like daddy coming home from work bringing chocolates instead of violent beatings.
Some Ayalac research has discovered that I apparently predicted Kumble’s promotion in February – that shows you the true quality of this blog. To quote myself:
I think bowlers are better people than batsman, and they are routinely and unfairly over-looked in the captaincy. They need some support.All this is still true, and more. Further investigation has uncovered a mad picture of him.
When I think about this further, I think that Anil Kumble is the best thing in the world. And maybe my sole reason for existence is to worship in His Greatness. Perhaps he was the only one who could have stopped twenty20?
I love you Anil Kumble.
He can no longer be considered cool, as Mr Kumble, no longer wears a moustache..
Bring back then bangers, and he will rise again as the King Of Cool!
He's no Venkatapathi raju though, is he.
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