Thursday, September 11, 2008

Name That Bum #15 Answer

We finally received a correct answer to the latest Name That Bum. It was, of course, Les Ames.

Congratulations to the highly talented David Barry, who, not for the first time, proved his worth in a bare-fisted bum-to-bum smack down.

In recognition of this great achievement, I honour him with this Epic Poem:

Oh David, David Barry
You make me, oh so very happy

With you, and you bum-
Spotting ability

It is quite a boon,
To have such a proclivity,

But it is unique,
In its creativity,

That such a geek,
Has such a capability,

Tune in next week to see if you can... NAME THAT BUM!


Jrod said...

You mean Leslie Ames ofcourse.

David Barry said...

not for the first time
I'm pretty sure it is the first time I've won one of these contests.

The Atheist said...


David Barry, you suprise me. You normally so keen.

Well congratulations for the first time!