Monday, April 21, 2008

Name That Bum: #7 Answer

The answer to yesterday's Name That Bum was, of course, Geraint Jones. The forgotten saviour.

Congratulations to Tom G, who provided the first correct answer.

So Tom G reigned victorious,
I wonder what the “G” stands for,
It could be Gertrude, Gary or Gore
Whatever his name,
It’s all the same,
His knowledge of bums is notorious,

Tine in next week to see if you can...NAME THAT BUM.


  1. He is generously-proportioned in the arse department, isn't he?

  2. First time (of hopefully many) that someone has wrote a poem about me. To have a poem written about oneself by age 21 is good going.

  3. Yay! Geraint Jones. I love him.

