But I suppose I should: Old whathisface, David Graveney, was sacked. After ten years, I think Graveney can look back at his decade in office with some pride.
I mean, if you’ve only got potatoes, you can only make a pie…a potato pie. Right?
A central, and I hope persisting, policy in Graveney’s approach to selection was to turn the decision to select into a long term commitment. Graveney backed his players over an extended period, based on the enlightened premise that it takes time for a player to mature into international class.
This didn’t always come off. Look at Geraint Jones – the GoJo who wouldn’t go. Steve Harmison – the incompetent magician’s monkey that would never disappear. But he got it right more often than not.
His departure now is much like the recent Barbadian election: the current lot were solid enough, but people just fancied a change.
And what a change. In a brave move, they have brought in Ashley Giles and James Whitaker. Whitaker has been out of the game for three years – after being sacked from an administrative role in Leicestershire. And Giles is the newly appointed Director of Cricket at Warwickshire – but only 13 months out of professional cricket, his coaching/administrative/strategic skills are unproven.
More worryingly, however, is the appointment of Geoff Miller as the new “national selector”. Miller used to be Graveney’s “assistant”. I’m not sure whether a PA would make a good selector, but the ECB are game to find out.
Miller may at heart be a confused economist. Here’s a statement from the office junior:
“We are in a transitional period now in both kinds of cricket but the curve from 2000 has been pretty good. It has been an upward curve.”There you go, young Miller, if in doubt, start talking incomprehensible jargon, like “natural games” or “curves”. It’s amazing how much you can pick up during work experience week.
I would say pretty much every skill giles thinks he has is unproven.
You must admit, though, when he wears shades, he looks really, REALLY cool.
When Miller graduates to "stakeholders" you'll know you're in real trouble.
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