Usual rules apply. In case you've forgotten those: ones guess per comment; the winner gets something nice from me. No, really, they do.

Good luck, and good bumming.
The philosophy of cricket. That means I say controversial things that attempts to challenge the dominant paradigms in current cricket thinking. Yes. The paradigms. I also try to say nice things about spinners.
Harrow Drive
Hawk Mouth
History of Cricket
Island Express
Line and Length
Last Of The Summer Whine
The Match Referee
Mike On Cricket
Miss Field
No Ballz
The Old Bugger
Outside The Line
Past Point
Pappu’s Plane - cricket statistics
Rain No Play
Republique Cricket
Reverse Swing Manifesto
Spun Out
State Cricket
Straight Points
Third Umpire
The Warbling Willow
Well pitched
The Wisden Cricketer
AB de Villiers.
Quick off the mark there, as usual, DB, but I'm afraid that's not the right answer. Close though.
Was gonna guess an English player cos the kit looked so white but your clue about AB means I'll say JP Duminy instead.
Graeme Smith. Just because I like him.
My sleuthing skills tells me the snazzy threads are Pakistani, but who.... Hafeez?
Or is it Butt's butt?
Holly Colvin?
Still in the dark, but that's a Castle advert, so puts it in South Africa I guess.
Definitely a Saffer, I think - Dale Steyn?
OK... I might have thrown you all.
You know where I said "close" to DB's answer.
Well... I lied. Sorry.
makhaya ntini?
Took me a heck of a long time to arrange those letters properly.
Is it Younus Khan?
Some of you are close in some areas, but not in others.
Nevertheless, you are all hopeless wrong still.
Kumar Sangakkara. What do i win?
From the expression on his bum I think it could be Michael Vaughan, being bowled by another unplayable ball (i.e anything straight)
There's a wee clue in the picture, near the bottom right-hand corner...
hehe you said bottom.
heel = running through after taking someones wicket = bowler.
He's still in South Africa and still in Pakistani trousers in my book.
I'll stay Afrikaner - Steyn
Shaun Pollock?
Spigglo finally got it.
The rest of you were hopeless. Out of practice, perhaps, but, nevertheless, rather poor.
I dunno, I give them some clues at the start, and they just kept ignoring me... Can't find the original picture though...
Anyone fancying more sexy quiz fun...
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