Thursday, July 30, 2009

Twitter Twat Twotted

Phil Hughes. Oh you plonker. Young. Naïve. But ultimately twit.

The Australian “batsman” caused panic this morning when he brazenly leaked his forthcoming dropping from the team. He did so via the modern’s opiate of the people, twitter:

Disappointed not to be on the field with the lads today, will be supporting the guys, it's a BIG test match 4 us. Thanks 4 all the support!

The ever illuminating BBC commentary responded thus:

Is this the first time that a team line-up has been revealed via Twitter?
NB George continued to hit the brandy hard for the three days before the wedding. On the morning of the ceremony, he was found face-down asleep by the fire in his private quarters. We've all been there.

They were of course alluding to George IV’s reacting to meeting his future wife.

Twittering, much like mobile phones and blogging, I fear is something I shall postpone my participation until it makes me staggeringly unsociable to do so. But, Hughes’ previous tweets do provide some interest.

11:37 PM Jul 19th from web
Been up all night fixing clarkeys bat, ironing hads [??] shirt, come on lads!!!!!

Proof that sycophancy gets you nowhere.

10:15 PM Jul 18th from web
Need to dig deep today.

Australia were fortunate that the young opener didn’t embark on his hole excavation until he was expunged from the team.

11:10 PM Jul 8th from mobile web
BTW, I think its fair to say its 'game on' in the 2009 Ashes!!!!!

Perhaps a future career in the media awaits? With that manner exclamation marks, surely Mark Nicholas’ role is under threat?


  1. So what, twotto?

    Typical bumptious pisspost from the Land of Parochiality

    So what if the twit "brazenly leaked" his exit in favour of a twat? It's not like Fred can read, anyway! (did he even notice he wasn't still bowling to Hughes? that the opener was twice the size and facing the wrong way?)

    As for twitter being the "opiate of the people"
    (jeez, it's a quote, you know - you're supposed to give authority when you're using someone else's brain. I know Poms have a lot of trouble with English, but you could least try), what do you think your blog represents? Classics at Oxford?

    Better a twit than a twotto!

  2. Brazenly leaked? Then why was it all over the news 10 hours earlier?

  3. And all along we thought cricketers are technology retarded nitwits!

  4. I always get it in the neck from female Australian fans. Perhaps it's all my unmanly, pommy whinging?

    Nice use of the word "pisspost" though.

  5. BTW, looks like the Sherminator is tweeting too...

