Monday, September 08, 2008

Name That Bum #15

Right. Bit of a toughie this week. It's another Bum From the Past - as well as being a Miriam Bum in One.

What a treat.

Whoever wins gets something life-changingly wonderful.This week we'll play using Stockholm rules.

Good luck and good bumming.

Bum the One

Can you...NAME THAT BUM?


  1. Trueman.

    I have no idea, but perhaps if I comment you'll give a hint.

  2. OK.

    Hint: it's not Freddy Trueman.

  3. Compton?

    Although that might be classed as obvious.

  4. H'mmm..

    Not a bad thought, Lisa. The pertness of the bum is indeed similar to Compton's own shapely behind.

    But you're not quite there. Maybe you've got the batsman line wrong...

  5. Due to lack of knowledge of cricketers from the past this will be hard for me. I guess... Ray Illingworth. This name was taken at random.

  6. H'mmm...

    It's a bit quiet this week.

    Ok. You've tried batsmen. And you've also tried bowlers.


  7. H'mmmm...

    It's looking like the Name That Bum this week might be a win for me...

  8. Oooh yeah...

    *does a little pre-emptive victory dance*

    I'm finally going to beat you smug buggers!

  9. The only old wicketkeeper I know is Godfrey Evans.

    In fact, for a while I thought he was the only English cricketer that existed because he was ALWAYS the answer in Trivial Pursuit.

    So I'm going to say him - despite the lack of corpulence and unsighting on the mutton chops. If Trivial Pursuit has taught me anything it is to always guess Godfrey Evans.

  10. Rod Marsh?

    *sound of bottom of barrel being scraped*

  11. Nooooooooooooooooooo!

    David Barry got it.

    David Barry always gets it.

    Damn you David Barry, damn you.

