Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Name That Bum #12: Answer

The answer to yesterday's name that bum is, of course, Matthew Hayden.

Well done Spigglers for winning. Also, it's worth checking out his fantastic new competition, too. Prize:

I might have a bit more time from here on in. You see, it looks likely that I’ll be jobless as of tomorrow.

Sure, it’ll be like that Greek-Jewish bloke from the Apprentice: please Sir Alan, don’t fire me, please, please don’t. I'm not above begging and demeaning myself for cash.

But it looks like I’m for the chop.

Which is bad, because I’ll have no money; but is also good, because the ghastliness and stress that has been my life for the past few weeks will end.

Heigh ho, do you think the ECB are recruiting? I hope so. I am nice to them.

That’s what I’m talking about.


  1. i don't believe it was Hayden. He looks like a right-hander. I am an unbeliever, Atheist, please put me right...

  2. I also can't believe it was Hayden. My friend suggested that as a joke. Why didn't I put it down?

    Also if you do lose you job pleeeease go on the next series of the apprentice. Anyway from the exceptional films you've made I'm sure you have a future in animation.

  3. Well as the bat was clearly upside down, that sort of subtlety went out the window...

  4. And of course, thanks muchly, lovely. And good luck with the rest of your life, just get some decent business cards, you'll be fine.

  5. I do hope you're working on your reverse pterodactyl impression - that's what employers are looking for these days apparently.

