Well done to Suave, from the Republique Cricket. In honour of the new weirdness of his site, we award him the following Paintbrush masterpiece.

Well done Two Bins. Tune in next week to see if you can... NAME THAT BUM.
The philosophy of cricket. That means I say controversial things that attempts to challenge the dominant paradigms in current cricket thinking. Yes. The paradigms. I also try to say nice things about spinners.
Well done Two Bins. Tune in next week to see if you can... NAME THAT BUM.
Harrow Drive
Hawk Mouth
History of Cricket
Island Express
Line and Length
Last Of The Summer Whine
The Match Referee
Mike On Cricket
Miss Field
No Ballz
The Old Bugger
Outside The Line
Past Point
Pappu’s Plane - cricket statistics
Rain No Play
Republique Cricket
Reverse Swing Manifesto
Spun Out
State Cricket
Straight Points
Third Umpire
The Warbling Willow
Well pitched
The Wisden Cricketer
That truly is a picture of pure delight.
I love it more than my mum.
Sorry mum, but you know me, shiny stuff and I'm anyones!
*Hits self in head* I missed it again! Leaving school should really be less hassle...
Ah, it was Yorkshire. I guess the Northern counties are all so poor they can't afford their own kit and have to share.
It's Suave!! And a particularly grumpy looking sun.
And look at that ball.
Shit man. You're good.
Yes, truly excellent use of perspective.
Miss-Field, you'll notice that it's my favourite shot being played, the hoick to cow corner!
Where ARE you? come back...
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