These unions are so potent, that only the power of the celebrity couple can express the vigour of the potential duos.
King Cricket and Line and Length

Celebrity couple: Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas.
The home of the bloggers’ love in, these two hit it off from the beginning. The older, knowing hand of Patrick Kidd helped King Cricket to reach a climax of true blogging supremacy. Line and Length’s experienced and knowledgeable approach to blogging nicely compliments King Cricket - which has people laughing at it across the world.
Miss Field and Suave

Celebrity Couple: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.
No-one is really sure what Suave did before his Tom Cruise came along, but as soon as Miss Field swept him off his feet, the Cricket Republique has churned out some testing posts with real legs. Miss Field's own approach, although seemingly erratic to outsiders, is in fact immaculately constructed and entertainingly open about her bizarre passions.
David and David

Celebrity Couple: Napoleon and Josephine
David from Pappus' plane has used statistics to prove not only do non-opposites attract, but they elope in secret in France to boot. He is also a power-mad dictator bent on imposing mathematical order onto the world. David from Harrow Drive has taken time to prove the importance of practicing in many different environments before you commit to the big match.
Martyd and Straight Points

Celebrity couple: Nikolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni
One the one hand we have an artist; a true visual feast. Martyd has managed to smooze his way up to the very top of the blogosphere through beauty alone. It has taken a tough, powerful blogger to contain these creative impulses. Although Straight Points may be a little short, he has one heck of a nose that invariably points in the right direction.
Miriam and Unkie JRod

Celebrity Couple: Jordan and Pete
Now that Miriam has married JRod in the holy grounds of the increasingly inaccurately named cricket with balls, a gentler, more feminine touch has been brought to this chart-topping blog. Further maximising their publicity, the sharp and relentlessly witty site, is complimented by a fuller, rounder approach to blogging. A truly mind-blowing combination.
Does that make me Tom Cruise?
And what about you? You should join Suave and I for a threesome. We could call you Nicole.
the atheist is george clooney, no blogging partner is going to hold him down.
this is quite disturbing.. only 9 months to Valentines and AYALAC is already getting excited...
Very, very witty Mr Wylde. I shall give some consideration to artistic impressions of random cricketing bloggers - and I do mean random.
A comparison to Jordan?
Ath, are you sure we haven't met before?
Genius, but I'm definitely Katie Holmes!
Oh so you think I'm an obsessive control freak?
You always do this to me. And in front of our friends.
I'm not sure what Mrs. Harrowdrive would think, but love is love. Even if it's statistical love.
i think of all we are the most oddly matched couple and i am saying it in a positive way!!
opposite attracts and we will go on forever...
BTW thanks for remembering me in between heavy weights!!
BTW, i must tell you that i am a anosmiac in real life...
Isn't George more interested in pigs, Unkie? In which case, he's just like me.
Missy, I'm not saying you're vain; just that your teeth look unnaturally white. That's all.
Way to make non-bloggers feel welcome! Cliques you say? Inbreeding now? Webbed feet? Nooooooooo this is 100% healthy and all newborn babies have gills, how else would they breath in the womb?
Blimey missy, those exact words were said to me on saturday, by Mrs Suave. Are you bugging my house?
Sorry Chris, if you haven't got a blog, you not really a person.
Suave, come off it, we've all you and your misses going at it hammer and tongs.
Really Atheist? Well if you can't beat them.... Try this and a name change to boot!
This is very disconcerting. Our soulless, pessimistic, unglamorous image has been sullied in so many ways.
By the Zeta-Jones association that is. We're presuming that's the role we play in this.
Glad to see you have become human Spigot. I will add you.
oh that is so cool and interesting and I wonder if those blogs are actually from that celebrities, but I will check them all out, thanks!
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