Thursday, April 10, 2008

AYALAC assailed by bastards

Today, I have been Got At by the Dark Side. The most evil, soulless creatures to walk the Earth have entered my life; leaving only cold shudders a sense of the sinister in their wake.

That rights: The Lawyers got me.

Some bastardly law firm in the States enacted some Cease and Desist Order, or something, at me and removed my latest viddy-blog.

They argued that it infringed their clients copyright or something. Which is obviously absurd, because everyone knows that AYALAC doesn’t obey laws. We play by our own rules here. We’re nutters.

So, I’ll be working on some ways to return my stop-motions to you, once I have either blown up The Lawyers or circumvented their daft dikats.


  1. Do they represent Blu-Tack ?

  2. Yeah, where's the copyright breach? Star Wars music?

  3. and why did they bother serving you wtih a cease and desist when a simple email to youtube would have gotten the content pulled?

  4. Pls link my blog on your blog as I hav done regarding yours...

  5. It's an outrage!

  6. tell me where to be and i''l be be there with a pitch fork.

  7. Obnoxious Bastard monkeyweeds.

  8. I'm with you old fella..

    Where's the lynch mob, i'll be wearing my box and swinging the slazenger blade wildly!

  9. What was it that infringed their copyrights? Fuck em I say. What are they going to do, take you to court, in the UK, when they're a shitty two man company in the states.

    burn them.

  10. Pitchfork people, come the revolution would you mind giving me a 10 minute start?

    On the positive side, you know you've made it when you get a cease-and-desist.

  11. Mims, we can do that. The safest place to run, will be the nearest cricket ground. Sacred places...

  12. The YouTube page referred to "Serendip LLC" as having issued the take-down. Serendip LLC is (according to the almighty Google) the music publishing company of Wendy Carlos (formerly Walter Carlos), composer on "A Clockwork Orange".

  13. I wonder how they found it.

    Damn intruders into our elusive enclave. Damn them.

    Don't worry Miriam, bring a pitchfork and a wear a flannelette shirt and you'll blend in with us.

  14. I'm busy making effigies. Please let me know if there are any facial features that need to be emphasized; otherwise, I'll go for the usual horns on the head.

  15. Yes, a multi-continent revolt, Samir Chopra you genius.

    Everyone, to the effigy construction!

    The bloggers are revolting!

  16. They're f*cking trolls. All they seem to do, is remove videos from youtube, that have any of the soundtracks by Wendy Carlos.

    Ignore them, and we'll fight the bastards on the beaches, some of the old bulldog spirit is required, with a touch of the old ultraviolence.

  17. Whatever's happening in the way of a revolt, I'm with you. I can't have the creator of blu-tac cricket and 'name that bum' being persecuted like this!

  18. Can't you take off the audio for that section and, I don't know, sing it or something?

  19. OMG yeah just hum the exact tune. If that's still illegal just change a few notes in your humming...

  20. Bugger! I never got round to watching that one.

    So who was it? What did their cease and desist order say? Expose them on this public forum.

  21. I think the best thing to do it host it somewhere else, there's plenty of place out there that will do that for you.

    That will serve as a good old "FUCK YOU" to the bastards.

    I think you should tell them take you to court.

    Or, you could use the provisions in the Data Protection Act under "incidental inclusion" and just coincidentally have the music on the radio when you are filming...

  22. I'm currently writing a strong letter of complaint to Barry Took.

    Dear BBC,

    Oh why, oh why, oh why?

  23. Thanks for all your support in this point of meltdown in my life.

    You legal advice of pitchforking them is very useful.

    I have used another medium to upload the third test.

    Let's overthrow capitalism! (Only, not if that'll get me sacked.)

