Friday, March 28, 2008

AYALAC joins the 21st century

OK. I've finally set up a little email do-dah. It be there --->

If you would like to send me an email, feel free. However, to stop spammers, it requires that senders verify their email address before messages will get through to me. So no trying to sell me time bonds.

You can send me love letters at:


  1. Oh great. I've just noticed that my email provider seems to be in total chaos.

    So it may take a while for me to reply to any emails. None of my own tests are getting through.

    If you are desperate to get hold of me, please feel free to leave you email here.

    (Just ensure that you do a A dot JONES at BLah dot com thingy. And then I'll delete the post as soon as I have emailed.)

  2. Mate, mine is..

    Ieatorphansforsnacks at bearlikefuckhead dot com

  3. Oh. don't worry. It seems to be working.

    So now you can contact me directly, Matthew.

  4. that's good to know atheist..

    Now swarv has spurned my advances, I need a new english blogger to devour sexually.

